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Jillian Haslam Charities Covid-19

COVID – 19

There is suffering and then there is unimaginable suffering but You can help!

When covid-19 struck the world suffered tremendously but some human beings suffered at a level that was simply unimaginable. Yes, many of us sat back and watched how people in India died due to a lack of oxygen but the true suffering was beyond belief during and after the pandemic; many passed away from starvation due to not being able to earn a daily wage of Rs 90/- ($1), not being able to find even one meal a day and watched their children pass away in front of their eyes. We could only do so much but you can help to remove some of those scars, give a few their lives back and help a family smile and recover from the pain and trauma. You can give a child a meal, pay a man his daily wage, give a young person a skill, an elderly person a pair of spectacles or give a disabled person a blanket or a plate of food.


You can restore their confidence and empower them to Succeed

They’re scared. They’re angry. They’re losing hope that they can have the same kind of life as previous generations. And for good reason. Britain’s youth today face a world unlike that of any of the three previous generations. Good jobs are getting harder to find and keep. The promises of education are hollowing out in a future of uncertainty. Some young people are giving up. Covid-19 has added to the problem. Technology has literally wiped out jobs by the millions. Uncertainty is at its peak. You can help. You can empower Britain’s youth to succeed, you can give them the resilience to keep fighting and you can help them to find the confidence to survive and to thrive.

Jillian Haslam Charities UK Youth
Jillian Haslam Charities Children with Thalassaemia


Do we even know that these are CHILDREN? Riddled with cancer, in pain and suffering every moment of every day?

Firstly, let us not forget that these are children and that Thalassaemia is a type of cancer. Hundreds of little ones travel from their villages for blood transfusions with only a dry roti and a few pieces of potato to eat all day. If you were to visit these little “critical cases” in hospital, it would churn your blood and bring you to your knees to hear the screams of these little hearts in pain. To see that they have no equipment, no nourishment and no strength to fight another day. Many of them can’t understand why they can’t breathe or sit up and worse still, 12 year olds work as domestic servants in three and four houses in order to pay for their own treatment. Their parents are rickshaw men, cart men who are frail, old, very sick and burnt out. Is this equality? You decide?


Providing Every Girl with the opportunity to Learn. To Grow & To Progress!

For women living in poverty in large urban slums and outlying areas, escaping poverty has little to do with desire or ambition. It has much more to do with opportunity! These girls are lost, broken and to make it worse, are the only hope for their little siblings and families. Poverty has reduced many of them into timid, vulnerable broken souls and yet these are young individuals? While India has modernised, to some extent, the government and its institutions simply can’t meet the overwhelming needs of their large population. Schools are overcrowded and inadequate for the task, and many get left behind or left out altogether. These highly focused programs teach practical and in-demand job skills in a workshop-based setting. Its hands on training taught by skilled instructors. You can give every girl the opportunity to learn, to grow and to progress!

Jillian Haslam Charities Empowering Girls
Jillian Haslam Charities Happy Hearts


They just need a chance to be kids!

Beliefs just cannot get any worse!
Up to 50% of people – often including the family members of disabled poor people – believe that conditions like blindness, cerebral palsy, lost limbs, paralysis, and learning disabilities are caused by black magic, karma, and curses from various gods.

These beliefs are one reason some locals don’t help disabled poor adults and kids. It’s why so many live in such desperate poverty and despair. It’s easy to wash your hands of concern when a person deserves it.

Many of their parents work all day pulling rickshaws and doing backbreaking work. But it’s not near enough to provide for their families.

You can make a difference.


Revive the Hearts of Broken and Discarded Elderly

Do you know the meaning of destitution? Come see the elderly poor withering on the streets of India, and you will.

So often elderly relatives get abandoned, forgotten, or even disowned by their grown children. Some can’t support them. Some just don’t want to.

But that leaves many aged people wandering streets, sick, sometimes disabled, afraid of being robbed, and unable to even meet their basic needs. And the pain inflicted on their hearts hurts even more than their persistently unfilled stomachs. You can help with both pains.

Jillian Haslam Charities Aging Smiles
Jillian Haslam Charities Indias Disabled


Karmic, Superstitious Society Too Often Blames Disabled Poor for Their Condition

Up to 50% of Indians – often including the family members of disabled poor people – believe that conditions like blindness, cerebral palsy, lost limbs, paralysis, and learning disabilities are caused by black magic, karma, and curses from various gods.

These beliefs are one reason some locals don’t help disabled poor adults and kids. It’s why so many live in such desperate poverty and despair. It’s easy to wash your hands of concern when a person deserves it.

You can show them that someone cares, that they matter and their lives have value!


Educating, Empowering & helping to Employ part of a generation that has been forgotten!

The only way to ultimately change life for the poor is with jobs. Through E3, you get to do far more than just keep people alive. E3 stands for Education, Empowerment, and Employability. You give young underprivileged youth the job skills and the opportunity to permanently escape poverty for themselves, and future generations.

Shall we go on repeating the same cycles of broken families, addictions, illiteracy, and poverty? No!

But how do we create jobs for people with no education and no job skills? Answer: We give them the skills!

Will you help provide life skills and job skills for these young people?

Jillian Haslam Charities E3 Job Growth
Jillian Haslam Charities Mother Teresa Award Project


Let us help one person at a time
– Mother Teresa

The Mother Teresa Project aims to carry out the great saint’s mission to care for and uplift the poorest of the poor. That means the care and love you’re giving people in desperate need (through Remedia Trust) is exactly what Mother Teresa did herself – One person at a time.

The forgotten souls who live in slums, who lead hopeless and destitute lives. They suffer daily miseries, live in fear, and endure unsanitary conditions. They are hungry, and every day is a struggle to live. And, most of them are truly incapable of helping themselves (like the disabled, little children or the elderly) The government just can’t help them all. Other organisations can’t help them. But you can.

They have absolutely nothing. And without your help, they’ll always have nothing.

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